Folding Gluer Machine

Automatic Counter Stacker

1. The automatic counter stacker machine the paperboard counting mechanism constructed by the back-end paper receiving part,
PLC and photoelectric switch, can realize counting accurate, fast.
2. In the state of the counter stacker machine non-stop, can set the carton to automatically stack and count between 10-50 pieces
any data, count accurate, easy to operate (patent design).
3. The automatic counter stacker can realize one minute counting 120/150copies, and can adapt the production requirements of 2
sheets at one time or 3 sheets at one time.

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  • Foshan,China
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Automatic Counter Stacker 

Counting system is optional:
1. The paperboard counting mechanism constructed by the back-end paper receiving part, PLC and photoelectric switch, can realize counting accurate, fast.
2. In the state of the machine non-stop, can set the carton to automatically stack and count between 10-50 pieces any data, count accurate, easy to operate (patent design).
3. Can realize one minute counting 120/150copies, and can adapt the production requirements of 2 sheets at one time or 3 sheets at one time.

Counter Stacker

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